A Sign of the Times II Thessalonians 2:3 3Let 1818 no 3361 man 5100 deceive 1818 5661 you 5209 by 2596 any 3367 means: 5158 for 3754 that day shall not come, except 3362 there come 2064 5632 a falling away (646 apostasy) first, 4412 and 2532 that man 444 of sin 266 be revealed, 601 5686 the son 5207 of perdition; These are some reasons why the falling away occurs: persecution Matthew 24:9-10; false teachers Matthew 24:11, II Peter 2:1-3; temptation Luke 8:13; worldliness II Timothy 4:3-4; inadequate knowledge of Yahushua I John 2:19; moral lapse, unbridled lust Jude 4-8; forsaking spiritual living and worship Hebrews 10:25-30; unbelief Hebrews 3:12. We must always be searching the word for truth, staying in fellowship with one another, bearing one another’s burdens in love. Constantly on guard against false teaching which will escalate in these last days. The Holy Spirit which dwells in us and struggles often with our flesh, is the restraining power which holds back evil in the world now. It is our duty to the Son of Yahuweh to live Godly lives to be examples to the rest of the unsaved world of God’s mercy, foremost on us. We are living epistles known and read of all men. You are being watched by friends and family that you have ministered to. You are the example of God and His word. These people see you they should be seeing God in you and through you. Ephesians 6:18 8Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; We are supposed to be looking out for one another. Do you pray in tongues for your brothers in Messiah? Father let us draw nearer to You in these last days through Your word, knowing that perilous times are truly at hand. Let us by faith in your word and love for our brothers stand in intercession for each other. Watching in anticipation for Your Son’s harvest of the first fruits, Your jewels written in heaven. May we be accounted worthy to be in that group by Your great mercy and the New Covenant which we hold. Making confession to You through Your Son’s blood of our short comings in the flesh. Standing by faith in the promises of Your word for our lives. Counting on the mercy for those who do not walk according to Your word, praying for their eyes to be opened to Yahushua’s name and sacrifice. Yahuweh who Saves, Yahushua, Lion of the tribe of Judah, The Lamb Halle lu YAH |
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